Opening Night Event Screening

This engaging Karlovy Vary International Film Festival opener depicts the tremendous and turbulent journey of one of the 20th century’s finest athletes: Czechoslovak long-distance runner, Emil Zátopek. Václav Neužil immerses himself as the Olympic champion who made history at the 1952 Olympic Games in Helsinki, as director David Ondrícek takes his audience through various stages of the icon’s sporting and personal life.

The film screens as the Opening Night Feature of the 2022 Czech and Slovak Film Festival of Australia. Ticket includes a drink upon arrival with nibbles, live music and a dance performance from Liptár Folk Dance Group and a 10th year anniversary special edition CaSFFA tote bag. Event starts at 6.30pm, screening at 7.30pm. 

“Zatopek” captures the runner’s record three-gold-medal runs - a record that’s never been achieved again - with electric energy and fervour. But, like the greatest sporting dramas, Ondrícek finds the person behind the sporting icon, turning his attention also to Zatopek’s wife, champion javelin thrower Dana Zátopková, and friend, Australian long-distance runner, Ron Clarke (charmingly played by Aussie James Frecheville). “Zatopek '' captures the intensity and greatness of Zatopek’s sporting achievements, and sheds light on the personal stories that greatly affected his life, too. 

Screening dedicated to John Zika.




Czech, English (English Subtitles)


David Ondrícek

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