Catch an early screening of the psychedelic French animation Sirocco and the Kingdom of the Winds, a fantastical dive into the world of dreams and imagination from director Benoit Chieux.
BOOK TICKETSLoveable leads, impossible predicaments, grand romantic gestures and happy endings. We're bringing the rom-com back to the big screen with a series of classics from everybody's favourite genre.
Love is in the AirWe’re making a song-and-dance of the movie musical, with another year-long celebration of the best and boldest films the genre has to offer.
BOOK TICKETSWe're excited to host a special event preview of NT Live: Prima Facie before it returns to the big screen for an Encore season. Tickets include a complimentary sparkling on arrival.
BOOK TICKETSWe're screening Sirocco and the Kingdom of the Winds, a fantastical dive into the world of dreams and imagination.