Starting out as an adaptation of a Frank Hardy story, Three in One became three stories; by Hardy, by Rex Rienits (adapting a Henry Lawson classic), and by Ralph Peterson, each with linking introductions by actor John McCallum. All three reflect on aspects of Australian life with a rare, straightforward honesty. Cecil Holmes debut feature revealed a film-maker of great talent, a committed leftist and a champion for social justice.
“…full of energy and promise. An honest and determined attempt to create a national style.” – Pike & Cooper, Australian Film 1900-1977
This film will be screened on a 35mm print from the collection of the National Film and Sound Archive of Australia. Cinema Reborn acknowledges the generous support of the NFSA.
Reg Lye, Gen Grielf 'Jock' Levy, Leonard Teale, Brian Vicary, Joan Lander, John Fernside, John McCallum
Cecil Holmes